Thursday, June 11, 2009

Views on diaries?

Ever since the age of about 8, we are often taught that if you have a diary, you are probably an 8 year old girl writing about your latest crush. Personally I find this somewhat irritating. Can't someone keep a diary simply because they enjoy writing but don't have any fresh ideas at the moment? Or, as many may agree, it would be quite entertaining to read about how crazy and probably naive you were back in the 9th grade or even your late 30's. Look at journals, is that not simply a diary masquerading as a "journal" which apparently is manlier according to whoever they are who say diaries are for sissies. Well, possibly I am all wrong and no one believes this. But I do believe a diary can be a nice way for one to sort everything out. Splay it out there for yourself to see. At times it can show how ridiculous you acted when that certain someone irked you or that you're actually lying to yourself, you do want to go out with Bob from the 7-11 but worries of what your peers will think are holding you back. This is certainly not great writing, just my thoughts on diaries and how practical and therapeutic they actually can be.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

New at this

I don't expect anyone to give a hoot about what I write one here. It's more for me to get stuff out and write a little because it is a hobby of mine that I wish to improve upon. Some things I hope at least maybe one person gives a hoot about, but that's really all I ask, not even that much mostly. I think I might try writing some poetry on here. It may be horrible. I know that. Just tell me, because I do not believe I am a great poet or anything so I will not be offended. Something you should know about me. Two things actually. I am questioning, possibly bisexual, but not sure enough to do much about it. Second thing, any topic ideas to write about and constructive critisism would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to anyone reading this.